Produceret af Jim Parsons
Udgivet 2020
Optaget 3. og 4 juli 2019
Denne plade eller DVD er udgivet i Nick Masons navn, og indeholder kun Pink Floyd og
Syd Barrett sange.
Den opmærksomme læser, har nok bemærket navne-sammenfaldet med Pink Floyds første album
A Saucerful of Secrets. Det
er selvfølgelig helt klart fordi, det er musik fra denne tid, som denne tour indeholdte. Bare for lige at
adskille de her to udgivelser, er der ikke "A" foran denne udgivelse.
Og hvis du håber på at høre
enten Comfortably Numb eller Money, så bliver du slemt skuffet, for der spilles kun musik fra før
Dark Side of the Moon.
Hvis du ser denne DVD vil du få historien der ligger til grund for dannelsen af dette lille
Det var Lee Harris der fik ideen. Jeg ved ikke lige hvem han er, og det tror jeg
heller ikke at Nick Mason vidste. Så hvis Lee var gået til Mason med ideen, var den nok blevet afvist.
Heldigvis kendte Lee Harris så Guy Pratt som alle i Pink Floyd kredse kender og Mason jo har arbejdet
sammen med før i tiden. Det gav noget mere vægt i forslaget, da Harris og Pratt kom til Mason med
ideen, og så rullede bolden derfra.
Så er der også det med
"Live at the Roundhouse", hvilket ganske enkelt er fordi, optagelserne til denne koncertfilm er
fra netop dette sted. Det ligger i London Camden Town og Camden Town var for øvrigt et af de første
steder Mason og bandet spillede.
Jeg tror ikke helt at dette band havde forestillet sig den succes
deres tour ville få, så der var oprindeligt kun planlagt 2-4 små koncerter på nogle relativt små
spillesteder i England.
20. maj - Dingwalls, Camden, London, England
21. 23 og - The Half Moon, Putney, London, England
Så fandt de ud af, at der var et publikum ude i resten af verden, som skreg på flere koncerter,
og 2. september 2018 spillede de så i Stockholm og 3. september kom de til Forum i København.
De forsatte og kom senere også til Nordamerika og spille.
Koncerten på denne DVD er, som skrevet, optaget juli 2019 og blev præsenteret i biografer Europa over
d.10. marts 2020 og d.11. marts 2020 gik Statsministeren på TV og lukkede landet ned - mere eller
mindre - så det var på et hængende hår.
Der var planlagt en koncert i Randers i 2020, men den
blev udskudt, da den her virus altså trak lidt ud.
Men de kom til Værket i Randers d.14 maj 2022 og
igen til København på Det kongelige Teaters Gl. Scene to dage senere. (Måske kan Gilmour spille i
Royal Albert Hall, men Mason spillede på Danmarks nationalscene)
Siden da har den lille trup
rejst rundt til alle festivaller og spillesteder der gad at høre på dem - og det er ikke så få.
En rigtig god ting ved den her DVD / Blu-ray er, at man kan enten se filmen, som er koncerten
sammensat med en masse små interviews med folkene omkring denne musik, eller man kan vælge
at kun se / høre musikken. Et valgmulighed jeg i den grad savner på "Roger Waters The Wall"
Så du kan vælge en version på 1:55:45 som jeg kun kan anbefale dig at se. Når du så har set
den flere gange og bare vil nyde musikken, kan du vælge "Songs Only" som kun varer 1:38:04.
Overgangen mellem numrene bliver så lidt hård, men det er nu helt fint.
Herunder har jeg
prøvet at samle teksterne, som jeg plejer at gøre og har ved siden af hvert nummer skrevet
hvem der står som komponist, hvor lang tid nummeret varer og hvilken plade det oprindeligt var
udgivet på.
Læg mærke til, at de har taget sig nogle kunstneriske friheder, og slået nogle
numre sammen.
Først med nummerne "Obscured by Clouds" og "When You're In". Senere kommer
"If" som glider over i "Atom Heart Mother", for til sidst at glide tilbage og afslutte "If"
Numre på denne plade
Interstellar Overdrive (Barrett, Waters, Wright, Mason) 5:26 The Piper at the Gates
of Dawn 1967
Astronomy Domine (Barrett) 4:22 The Piper at the Gates of Dawn 1967
Lime and limpid green, a second scene a fight between the blue you once knew.
down, the sound resounds around the icy waters underground.
Jupiter and Saturn, Oberon,
Miranda and Titania.
Neptune, Titan, Stars can frighten.
Blinding signs flap,
flicker, flicker, flicker blam. Pow, pow.
Stairway scare Dan Dare who's there?
and limpid green, the sounds surrounds the icy waters underground
Lime and limpid green,
the sounds surrounds the icy waters underground.
Lucifer Sam (Barrett) 3:18 The Piper at the Gates of Dawn 1967
Lucifer Sam, siam cat.
Always sitting by your side
Always by your side.
cat's something I can't explain.
Here kitty kitty
Jennifer Gentle you're a
He's the Left side
You're the right side.
Oh, no!
That cat's something
I can't explain.
Lucifer go to sea.
Be a hip cat, be a ship's cat.
That cat's something I can't explain.
We are siamees if you please
We are siamees if you don't please
At night prowling sifting sand.
Hiding around
on the ground.
He'll be found when you're around.
That cat's something I can't
Fearless (Waters, Gilmour ) 5:19 Meddle 1971
You say the hill's too steep to climb
Climb it.
You say you'd like to see me try
You pick the place and I'll choose the time
And I'll climb that hill
in my own way.
Wait a while for the right day.
As I rise above the tree
lines and the clouds
I look down, hearing the sound of the things you've said today.
Fearlessly the idiot faced the crowd
Merciless the magistrate turns
But who's the fool who wears the crown?
And go down
in your own way
Every day is the right day
As you rise above the fear-lines
in his brow
You look down, hearing the sound of the faces in the crowd.
Obscured by Clouds / When You're In (Waters, Gilmour) 6:12 Obscured by Clouds 1972
Remember a Day (Wright) 3:41 A Saucerful of Secrets 1968
Remember a day before today
A day when you were young.
Free to play alone with
Evening never comes.
Sing a song that can't be sung
Without the morning's
Queen - you shall be it if you wish
Look for your king
Why can't we play
Why can't we stay that way
Climb your favorite apple tree
Try to
reach the sun
Hide from your little brother's gun
Dream the world away
can't we reach the sun
Why can't we blow the years away
Arnold Layne (Barrett) 3:17 Deres Første single fra 1967
Arnold Layne had a strange hobby
Collecting clothes
Moonshine washing line
They suit him fine
On the wall hung a tall mirror
Distorted view, see through
baby blue
He's done it
Oh, Arnold Layne
It's not the same, it takes two to know
Two to know,
two to know, two to know
Why can't you see?
Arnold Layne, Arnold Layne, Arnold Layne, Arnold
Now he's caught - a nasty sort of person. oh yeah
They gave him time
bang - chain gang - he hates it
Oh, Arnold Layne
It's not the same, takes two
to know
Two to know, two to know
Oh Why can't you see?
Arnold Layne, Arnold
Layne, Arnold Layne, Arnold Layne
Don't do it again
Oh no
Vegetable Man (Syd Barrett) 2:25 Aldrig officielt udgivet 1967
In yellow shoes I get the blues
Though I walk the streets with my plastic feet
With my blue velvet trousers, make me feel pink
There's a kind of stink about blue
velvet trousers
In my paisley shirt I look a jerk
But my turquoise waistcoat is
quite out of sight
But oh oh my haircut looks so bad
Vegetable man how are you?
So I've changed my gear, and I find my knees,
And I covered them up with the
latest cut,
And my pants and socks all point in a box,
They don't make long of
my nylon socks,
The watch, black watch
My watch with a black face
And a big
pin, a little hole,
And all the lot is what I got,
It's what I wear, it's what
you see,
It must be me, it's what I am
Vegetable man where are you?
I've been looking all
over the place
for a place for me,
But it ain't anywhere, no it ain't anywhere
Vegetable man, vegetable man, vegetable man, vegetable man, vegetable man, vegetable man,
vegetable man, vegetable man
He's the kind of person, you just gonna see him if you can
Vegetable man
If (Waters) / Atom Heart Mother (Mason, Gilmour, Waters, Wright, Gessin) / If reprise
(Waters) 11:04 Atom Heart Mother 1970
If I were a swan, I'd be gone.
If I were a train, I'd be late.
If I were a
good man,
I'd talk with you
More often than I do.
If I were at sleep, I
could dream.
If I were afraid, I could hide.
If I go insane, please don't put
Your wires in my brain.
If I were the moon, I'd be cool.
If I were a
rule, I would bend
If I were a good man, I'd understand
The spaces
between friends.
If I were alone, I would cry.
If I were with you, I'd
be home and dry.
If I go insane,
Will you please still
let me join in the game?
If I were a swan, I'd be gone.
If I were a train,
I'd be late again.
If I were a good man,
I'd talk with you
More often than
I do.
The Nile Song (Waters) 3:39 More 1969
I was standing by the Nile
When I saw the lady smile.
I would take her
for a while,
For a while.
My tears wept like a child.
How her
golden hair was blowing wild.
Then she spread her wings to fly,
For to fly.
Soaring high above the breezes,
Going only where she pleases.
will make it to the islands in the sun.
I walk in her shadow
As I watch her from my window.
One day surely I will catch her eye.
She is
calling from the deep,
Summoning my soul to endless sleep.
She will surely
drag me down,
Drag me down.
Green Is the Colour (Waters) 4:03 More 1969
Heavy hung the canopy of blue
Shade my eyes and I can see you
White was the
light that shines through the dress that you wore
She lay in the shadow of
the wave
Hazy were the visions of her playing
Sunlight on her eyes but
moonshine made her cry evry time
evry time
Green is the colour of her kind
Quickness of the eye deceives the mind
Envy is the bond between the hopeful
and the damned
Green is the colour of her kind
Quickness of the eye deceives the mind
Envy is the bond between the hopeful
and the damned
Let There Be More Light (Waters) 3:38 A Saucerful of Secrets 1968
Far, far, far, far away - way
People heard him say - say
There will come a day - day
I will find a way - way
Something will be done.
Then at last the mighty
Descending on a point of flame made contact with the human race
Now, now, now is the time - time
Time to be - be - be aware
Carter's father saw him there and
Knew the road revealed to him
The living
soul of Hereward the Wake
Oh, my, something in my eye - eye
Something in the sky - sky
Waiting there for me
The outer hatch rolled slowly back
The service men
were heard to sigh
For there revealed in glowing robes as Lucy in the sky
Oh - oh - did you ever know - know
Never ever will they
I cannot say
Summoning his cosmic power
And glowing slightly from his toes
His psychic
the emanation flowed
Childhood's End (Waters) 3:39 Obscured by Clouds 1972
You shout in your sleep.
Perhaps the price is just too steep.
Is your
conscience at rest
If once put to the test?
You awake with a start
just the beating of your heart.
Just one man beneath the sky,
Just two
ears, just two eyes.
You set sail across the sea
Of long past thoughts
and memories.
Childhood's end, your fantasies
Merge with harsh realities.
And then as the sail is hoist,
You find your eyes are growing moist.
All the
fears never voiced
Say you have to make your final choice.
Who are you
and who am I
To say we know the reason why?
Some are born; some men die
Beneath one infinite sky.
There'll be war, there'll be peace.
everything one day will cease.
All the iron turned to rust;
All the proud
men turned to dust.
And so all things, time will mend.
So this song will
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun (Waters ) 12:46 A Saucerful of Secrets 1968
Little by little the night turns around.
Counting the leaves which tremble at
Lotuses lean on each other in yearning.
Under the eaves the swallow
is resting.
Set the controls for the heart of the sun.
Over the mountain
watching the watcher.
Breaking the darkness
Waking the grapevine.
inch of love is one inch of shadow
Love is the shadow that ripens the wine.
Set the controls for the heart of the sun.
The heart of the sun, the heart of
the sun.
Witness the man who raves at the wall
Making the shape of his
questions to Heaven
Whether the sun will fall in the evening
Will he remember
the lesson of giving?
Set the controls for the heart of the sun
The heart of
the sun, the heart of the sun
See Emily Play (Barrett) 3:09 Deres anden single fra 1967
Emily tries but misunderstands, ah ooh
She often inclined to borrow somebody's
dreams till tomorrow
There is no other day
Let's try it another way
lose your mind and play
Free games for may
See Emily play
Soon after
dark Emily cries, ah ooh
Gazing through trees in sorrow hardly a sound till
There is no other day
Let's try it another way
You'll lose
your mind and play
Free games for may
See Emily play
Put on a gown
that touches the ground, ah ooh
Float on a river forever and ever, Emily
There is no other day
Let's try it another way
You'll lose your mind and
Free games for may
See Emily play
Bike (Barrett) 1:57 The Piper at the Gates og Dawn 1967
I've got a bike. You can ride it if you like.
It's got a basket, a bell that rings
and Things to make it look good.
I'd give it to you if I could, but I borrowed it.
You're the kind of girl that fits in with my world.
I'll give you anything, ev'rything
if you want things.
I've got a cloak. It's a bit of a joke.
There's a tear up
the front. It's red and black.
I've had it for months.
If you think it could look
good, then I guess it should.
You're the kind of girl that fits in with my world.
I'll give you anything, ev'rything if you want things.
I know a mouse, and he hasn't
got a house.
I don't know why. I call him Gerald.
He's getting rather old, but he's
a good mouse.
You're the kind of girl that fits in with my world.
I'll give you
anything, ev'rything if you want things.
I've got a clan of gingerbread men.
Here a man,
there a man, lots of gingerbread men.
Take a couple if you wish. They're on the dish.
You're the kind of girl that fits in with my world.
I'll give you anything, ev'rything
if you want things.
I know a room full of musical tunes.
Some rhyme, some ching. Most
of them are clockwork.
Let's go into the other room and make them work.
One of These Days (Gilmour,Mason, Waters, Wright) 6:22 Meddle 1971
One of these days, I'm going to cut you into litlle pieces
A Saucerful of Secrets (Waters, Wright, Mason, Gilmour) 9:58 A Saucerful of Secrets 1968
Point Me at the Sky (Waters, Gilmour) 3:53 Single fra 1968
Hey Eugene
This is Henry McClean
And I've finished my beautiful flying machine
And I'm ringing to say
That I'm leaving and maybe
You'd like to fly with
And hide with me, baby
Isn't it strange
How little we change
Isn't it sad we're insane
Playing the games that we know end in tears
games we've been playing for thousands and thousands and thousands
Jumps into
his cosmic flyer
Pulled his plastic collar higher
Light the fuse and stand
right back
He cried
This is my last goodbye
Point me at the sky
and let it fly (point me at the sky and let it fly)
Point me at the sky and let it
fly (point me at the sky and let it fly)
Point me at the sky and let it fly
And if you survive till two thousand and five
I hope you're exceedingly thin
For if you are stout you will have to breathe out
So the man next to you can breathe
in (breathe in, breathe in, breathe in)
People pressing on my sides
something that I hate
And so is sitting down to eat
With only little capsules
on my plate
Point me at the sky and let it fly (point me at the sky and let it fly)
Point me at the sky and let it fly (point me at the sky and let it fly)
Point me
at the sky and let it fly
And all we've got to say to you is goodbye
Tell my
mother I'm missing her and another
It's goodbye
Hey Jean look at the screen
and it's goodbye
Look hey, the milky way and it's goodbye
Bye, bye, bye, bye,
Hey Jean look at me we're saying goodbye
It's bye-bye, bye, bye, bye, bye,
bye, bye, bye, goodbye
Bye, bye, bye, bye, goodbye