Pink Floyd diskografi


Produceret af Pink Floyd
Udgivet November 1971
Optaget i AIR Studios, EMI Abbey Road Studios og Morgan Sound
Cover Design af Pink Floyd. Inner cover foto af Hipgnosis
Billede uden på af Bob Dowling
Højeste placering UK 3.plads

Her er så pladen, der på mange måder var forgængeren til "The Dark Side of the Moon". Floyd var efterhånden så gamle og var kommet så langt efter Barretts exit, at de vidste hvad de ville have, og hvordan de skulle lave det.
Der er to numre på denne plade, der skiller sig særligt ud.
Det ene er "One of These Days" der er et særdeles kraftfuldt og fedt nummer. Det er også brugt med stor succes, da Floyd tog på turnee 16 år senere.
Det andet nummer der skiller sig ud er "Echoes". Det blev spillet "Live in Pompeii" og har så ydermere den ære at lægge navn til Floyds opsamlingsalbum 30 år senere.
Inspireret af Roy Harper (Gilmours gamle ven og kollega fra før Floyd. Ham der synger på "Have a Cigar") ville Floyd prøve at lave et nummer der fyldte hele den ene side af en plade. Selve ideen lå ikke så langt fra det Floyd i mange år havde optrådt live med, men det var bare ikke noget mange havde gjort på plade - før altså Roy Harper. Med det mål at lave at langt nummer satte Floyd sig så til at jamme og endte med 36 små musikstykker. Disse blev så bearbejdet og faktisk holdt man ved det meste af disse 36 numre og fik dem kædet sammen til det vi kender som "Echoes"

Der er selvfølgelig andre specielle numre på denne plade. Et nummer der bør nævnes er Seamus. Dét nummer syntes Floyd var hylende morsomt (fik du den : hylende!). Gilmour passede en hund for en anden ven der var på turnee med sit band og havde hunden med i studiet. Så sad Floyd på et tidspunkt og jammede lidt bluesagtigt og så gav hunden sig til at hyle. Floyd syntes at nummeret var sjovt men det faldt vist ikke i så god jord...
De lavede en anden version af nummeret, da de spillede live i Pompeii. Konceptet var det samme men hunden var en anden, og derfor hed nummeret også noget andet: Mademoiselle Nobs

Hvis du ikke lige genkender pladcoveret her over, så er det fordi jeg har foldet coveret ud, inden jeg skannede det. Så er det lettere at se, at det forestiller et øre under noget vand.

Numre på denne plade

One of These Days [5:56](Waters, Wright, Mason, Gilmour)

One of these days, I'm going to cut you into little pieces

A Pillow of Winds [5:13] (Waters, Gilmour)

A cloud of eiderdown
Draws around me
Softening a sound.
Sleepy time, and I lie,
With my love by my side,
And she's breathing low.

And the candle dies.

When night comes down
You lock the door.
The book falls to the floor.
As darkness falls
The waves roll by,
The seasons change
The wind is wry.

Now wakes the hour
Now sleeps the swan
Behold the dream
The dream is gone.
Green fields are calling
It's falling, in a golden door.

And deep beneath the ground,
The early morning sounds
And I go down.
Sleepy time, and I lie,
With my love by my side,
And she's breathing low.

And I rise, like a bird,
In the haze, when the first rays
Touch the sky.

And the night wings die.

Fearless [6:08] (Waters, Gilmour)

You say the hill's too steep to climb
Climb it.
You say you'd like to see me try

You pick the place and I'll choose the time
And I'll climb
That hill in my own way.
Just wait a while for the right day.
And as I rise above the tree lines and the clouds
I look down, hearing the sound of the things you've said today.

Fearlessly the idiot faced the crowd
Merciless the magistrate turns 'round

And who's the fool who wears the crown?
And go down,
in your own way
And every day is the right day
And as you rise above the fear-lines in his brow
You look down, hearing the sound of the faces in the crowd.

San Tropez [3:43] (Waters)

As I reach for a peach
Slide a rind down behind
the sofa in San Tropez.
Breakin' a stick
with a brick on the sand.
Ridin' a wave
In the wake of an old sedan.

Sleepin' alone in the
Drone of the darkness,
Scratched by the sand that
Fell from my love,
Deep in my dreams and I
Still hear her callin'
"If you're alone,
I'll come home."

Backward and homebound,
The pigeon, the dove,
Gone with the wind
And the rain, on an airplane.
Owning a home
With no silver spoon,
I'm drinking champagne
Like a good tycoon.

Sooner than wait for
A break in the weather,
I'll gather my far-flung
Thoughts together.
Speeding away
On the wind to a new day.
And if you're alone
I'll come home.

And I pause for a while
By a country style
And listen to the things they say.
Diggin' for gold
With a hoe in my hand.
Open a book
Take a look at the way things stand.

And you're leading me down
To the place by the sea.
I hear your soft voice
Calling to me.
Making a date for
Later by phone
And if you're alone
I'll come home.

Seamus [2:15] (Waters, Wright, Mason, Gilmour)

I was in the kitchen,
Seamus, that's the dog, was outside.
Well, I was in the kitchen,
Seamus, my old hound, was outside.
Well, the sun sinks slowly
But my old hound just sat right down and cried.

Echoes [23:27](Waters, Wright, Mason, Gilmour)

Overhead the albatross
Hangs motionless upon the air
And deep beneath the rolling waves
In labyrinths of coral caves
An echo of a distant time
Comes willowing across the sand
And everything is green and submarine.

And no one called us to the land
And no one knows the where's or why's.
Something stirs and something tries
Starts to climb toward the light.

Strangers passing in the street
By chance two separate glances meet
And I am you and what I see is me.
And do I take you by the hand
And lead you through the land
And help me understand
The best I can.

And no one called us to the land
And no one crosses there alive
No one speaks and no one tries
No one flies around the sun....

Almost everyday you fall
Upon my waking eyes,
Inviting and inciting me
To rise.
And through the window in the wall
Come streaming in on sunlight wings
A million bright ambassadors of morning.

And no one sings me lullabyes
And no one makes me close my eyes
So I throw the windows wide
And call to you across the sky....

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