Pink Floyd diskografi


Musik fra filmen More af Barbet Schroder
Produceret af Pink Floyd
Udgivet Juli 1969
Cover Design af Hipgnosis

I mine yngre dage lyttede jeg meget til denne plade. Den lå musikalsk meget langt fra det Pink Floyd jeg ellers kendte. Alligevel var der en ånd over denne plade og så var den syret nok til at den var værd at lytte til. Når man sådan skruede op for bassen, var "The Nile Song" faktisk et ret råt nummer.
At jeg ikke har hørt denne plade i meget lang tid, hænger sammen med at jeg kun har den på vinyl - og det er sgu så besværligt.

Jeg har aldrig set filmen, men har læst at der skulle være to numre mere i filmen end på pladen, nemlig "Seabirds" og "Hollywood". Som Floyd-fan kunne jeg da meget godt tænke mig at høre de numre, men at skulle se filmen for at komme til det ? Jeg ved ikke rigitgt.....

Ikke at det behøver at betyde noget, men jeg tager det nu som et klart signal, at Floyd ikke har valgt et eneste nummer fra denne plade til deres opsamlings plade "Echoes". Pladen var et bestillingsarbejde til en film. Det kan ikke andet end hæmme de kunstneriske udfoldelses muligheder.

Filmen skulle efter sigende være en anti-stoffer film. En naiv tysk fyr kommer til Paris hvor en af hans venner tager ham med til en fest hvor han møder en pige der først lærer ham at ryge græs. Derefter tager de til Ibiza hvor de begynder at sniffe kokain og tage syre. Han ryger på heroin og skal bare have mere og mere. Heraf titlen More. Han ender med en overdosis i en mørk gyde.

Numre på denne plade

Cirrus Minor (Waters) [5:16]

In a churchyard by a river,
Lazing in the haze of midday,
Laughing in the grasses and the graze.
Yellow bird, you are alone
In singing and in flying on,
In laughing and in leaving.

Willow weeping in the water,
Waving to the river daughters,
Swaying in the ripples and the reeds.
On a trip to Cirrus Minor,
Saw a crater in the sun
A thousand miles of moonlight later.

The Nile Song (Waters) [3:26]

I was standing by the Nile
When I saw the lady smile.
I would take her out for a while,
For a while.

Oh, my tears wept like a child.
How her golden hair was blowing wild.
Then she spread her wings to fly,
For to fly.

Soaring high above the breezes,
Going always where she pleases.
She will make it to the islands in the sun.

I will follow in her shadow
As I watch her from my window.
One day I will catch her eye.

She is calling from the deep,
Summoning my soul to endless sleep.
She is bound to drag me down,
Drag me down.

Crying Song (Waters) [3:32]

We smile and smile
We smile and smile
Laughter echoes in your eyes
We climb and climb
We climb and climb
Footfalls softly in the pines
We cry and cry
We cry and cry
Sadness passes in a while
We roll and roll
We roll and roll
Help me roll away the stone

Up the Khyber (Mason, Wright) [2:12]


Green is the Colour (Waters) [2:58]

Heavy hung the canopy of blue
Shade my eyes and I can see you
White is the light that shines through the dress that you wore

She lay in the shadow of the wave
Hazy were the visions of her playing
Sunlight on her eyes but moonshine made her cry ev'ry time

Green is the colour of her kind
Quickness of the eye deceives the mind
Envy is the bond between the hopeful and the damned

Cymbaline (Waters) [4:48]

The path you tread is narrow
And the drop is shear and very high
The ravens all are watching
from a vantage point nearby
Apprehension creeping
Like a tube-train up your spine
Will the tightrope reach the end
Will the final couplet rhyme

And it's high time Cymbaline
It's high time Cymbaline
Please wake me

A butterfly with broken wings
is falling by your side
The ravens all are closing in
and there's nowhere you can hide
Your manager and agent
are both busy on the phone
selling coloured photographs
to magazines back home

and it's high time Cymbaline
It's high time Cymbaline
Please wake me

The lines converging where you stand
They must have moved the picture plane
The leaves are heavy around your feet
You hear the thunder of the train
and suddenly it strikes you
That they're moving into range
Doctor Strange is always changing size

And it's high time Cymbaline
It's high time Cymbaline
Please wake me

And it's high time Cymbaline
It's high time Cymbaline
Please wake me

Party Sequence (Waters, Wright, Gilmour, Mason) [1:08]


Main Theme (Waters, Wright, Gilmour, Mason) [5:34]


Ibiza Bar (Waters, Wright, Gilmour, Mason) [3:18]

I'm so afraid of the mistakes that I made
Taking every time that I wake
I feel like a hard-boiled and cut-up man
So give me a time when the countries will lie on the storyline if kind

Are days are made since the first page
I've lived every line that you wrote
Take me down, take me down, from the shelf above your head
So give me a time when the countries will lie on the storyline if kind

And if I live on the shelf like the rest
And if love bleeds like a sad song
Please pick-up your camera and use me again
So give me a time when the countries will lie on the storyline if kind

More Blues (Waters, Wright, Gilmour, Mason) [2:12]


Quicksilver (Waters, Wright, Gilmour, Mason) [7:11]


A Spanish Piece (Gilmour) [1:04]

Pass the tequila, Manuel
(glug, snort)
Listen, gringo, laugh at my lisp and I kill you
I think
This Spanish music
It sets my soul on fire
Lovely seniorita
Your eyes are like stars
Your teeth are like pearls
Your ruby lips

Dramatic Theme (Waters, Wright, Gilmour, Mason) [2:14]


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