Gilmour's diskografi

On an Island

Produceret af David Gilmour, Phil Manzanera og Chris Thomas
Udgivet 6. marts 2006

Seneste skud på stammen af Gilmours musikalske virke. Fulgt til dørs af den fagre nye med en hjemmeside Egentlig en side der "bare" skulle handle om Gilmour, men som man kan se på den, er den en stor reklame for "On an Island"

Ikke alt er helt nyt på pladen. Noget er velkendt - nemlig nummeret Smile, som jo blev spillet til Meltdown koncerterne.

Ud over det kan man sige at han har hevet en masse spændende hoveder ind til at lave denne plade. Richard Wright er nok ikke så overraskende, men stadig interessant.
Graham Nash og David Crosby (Crosby, Still and Nash) er dog noget der overrasker mig.
At Polly Samson skriver sammen med Gilmour, ved vi alle, men at hun er med på klaver og også synger med, er noget nyt.

Som en anden ny ting er Gilmour begyndt at spille saxophon. Jeg troede ikke at man kunne lære en gammel hund nye tricks, men denne cirkushund er måske ikke så gammel enda.

Første nummer hedder Castellorizo og er navnet på en græsk ø tæt på den tyrkiske kyst. Det er den ø Glimour havde i tankerne da han skrev titelnummeret. Der blev sjovt nok, en gang optaget en italiensk film på øen, og i den film var der også et stykke musik der hed "On an Island". Det er næppe uden betydning at filmen handler om et italiensk regiment soldater, der droppede 2.Verdenskrig og slog sig ned på øen for at leve i fred fra krig og det moderne samfund i det hele taget.Forøvrigt baseret på en autentisk histoie.
At englændere generelt også føler sig som øboere betyder tydelivis også en del for Gilmour.

"Castellorizon" [3:54](Gilmour)


"On an Island" [6:47](Gilmour; Gilmour Samson)

Remember that night...
White sails in the moonlight
They walked it too...
Through empty playground, this ghost's town
Children again on rusting swings getting higher
Sharing a dream
On an Island.... it felt right
We lay side by side,
Between the moon and the tide
Mapping the stars for a while
Let the night surround you
We're half way to the stars,
Ebb and flow
Let it grow..... feel the warmth beside you

Remember that night,
The warmth and the laughter
Candles burn...
Though the church was deserted
At dawn we went down through empty streets to the harbour
Dreamers may leave ...but we're here everafter...
Da da da da da....
Let the night surround you
We're half way to the stars,
Ebb and flow
Let it grow..... feel the warmth beside you...

"The Blue" [5:26](Gilmour, Samson)

Shameless sea
Aimlessly so blue
Midnight moon shines for you

Still, marooned
Silence drifting through
Nowhere to choose
just blue...
star-crossed you and me
save our souls
we'll be forever blue

Waves roll
lift us in blue
drift us
Seep right through
and colour us blue

Wait for me
shameless you, the sea
soon, the blue
so soon...
Soon the blue, so soon

"Take a Breath" [5:46] (Gilmour, Samson)

Take a breath
take a deep breath now
take a breath
a deep breath now
take a breath

when you're down is where you find yourself
when you drown there's nothing else
and if you're lost you'll need to turn yourself
Then you'll find out that there's no-one else

To make the moves that you can do
when you fall from grace your eyes in blue
your every breath becomes another world
and the far horizon's living hell

Take a breath
take a deep breath now
Take a breath
a deep breath now
Take a breath

This kind of love is hard to find
I never got to you by being kind
If I'm the one to throw you overboard
at least I showed you how to swim for shore

When you're down is where you'll know yourself
that if you drown there's nothing else
When you're lost you need to find youself
then you'll find out that there's no-one else

"Red Sky at Night" [2:51] (Gilmour)


"This Heaven" [4:24](Gilmour, Gilmour samson)

All the pieces fall into place
when we walk these fields
and I reach out and touch your face
This earthly heaven is enough for me

So break the bread and pour the wine
I need no blessings but I'm counting mine
Life is much more than money byes
when I see the faith in my children's eyes

I've felt the power in a holy place
Whished for comfort when in need
Now I'm here in a state of grace
This earthly heaven is enough for me

So break the bread and pour the wine
I need no blessings but I'm counting mine
Life is much more than money buys
when I see the faith in my children's eyes

"Then I Close my Eyes" [5:28] (Gilmour)


"Smile" [4:03] (Gilmour, Samson)

Would this do
to make it allright
while sleep has taken you
where I'm out of sight

I'll make my getaway
time on my own
Search for a better way
to find my way home to your smile

Wasting days and days
on this fight
always down and up
half the night

Hopeless to reminisce
through the dark hours
We'll only sacrifice
what time will allow us you're sighing... sighing

All alone
though you're right here
Now it's time to go
from your sad stare

Make my getaway
time on my own
leaving's a better way
to find my way home to your smile... smile
your smile

"A Pocketful of Stones" [6:18] (Gilmour, Samson)

He's sending stones skimming and flying
Circles spinning out his time
Though the earth is dying his head is in the stars
chances are this spark's a lifetime

Out of tuoch he'll live in wonder
Won't loose sleep he'll just pretend
In his world he won't go under
Turns without him till the end

Rivers run dry but there's no line on his brow
Says he doesn't care who's saved
It's just the dice you roll, the here and now
and he's not guilty or afraid

One day he'll slip away
cool water flowing all around
In the river and on the ground
leave a pocketful of stones and not belive in other lives

Until then he'll live in wonder
He won't fight or comprehend
In his world he won't go under
Turns without him till the end

"Where We Start" [6:46](Gilmour)

Where we start is where we end
We step out sweetly, with nothing planned
Along by the river we feed bread to the swans
and then over the footbridge to the woods beyond

We walk ourselves weary
you and I
There's just this moment

I light a campfire away from the path
We lie in the bluebells, a woodpecker laughs

Time passes slowly our hearts entwined
All of the dark times left behind

The days is done
The sun sinks low
We fold up the blanket, it's time to go

We walk ourselves weary, arm in arm
back trough the twillight
home again
We're home again

We waltz in the moonlight and the embers glow
so much behind us
still far to go
Still far to go

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