Gilmour's diskografi

Rattle That Lock

Produceret af David Gilmour

Udgivet 17. september 2015

I en alder af 69 år udgiver David Gilmour en ny samling musik. Dårligt var rygterne om Pink Floyds plade The Endlees River stilnet af, før der var tale om en soloplade fra Gilmour selv. Faktisk var der en hel del forvirring på rygtebørsen, om Gilmour var i gang med en Pink Floyd plade i 2014 eller et soloprojekt. Han var tydeligvis i gang med begge dele.
Man kan med klar stemme sige at han tog fusen på de fleste.

Title nummeret er oprindeligt inspireret af et højttaler signal, optaget i Frankrig på en togstation "Aix-en-Provence" i Sydfrankrig for at være præcis. De fire toner, der bygger nummeret op, optog Gilmour med sin telefon

"It was inspiration for the music of this song. And when I go to airports or to train stations in England, they have really, dull, tedious jingles, that precede announcements and the same in the States usually.
But when you go to France they have this great one that makes you want to dance. So while I was in a train station in France I recorded the sound on my iPhone and took it home and started turning it into a song... My manager had to go and get clearance from the guy who wrote it in France so we could use it."

Teksten til nummeret er inspireret af en bog af John Milton der hedder Paradise Lost. Kender du ikke bogen, så følger den med i den udvidede ugave af CD'en.
Har du downloadet musikken? Bare ærgeligt Sonny-Boy.

På nummeret "A Boat Lies Waiting" kan man i baggrunden høre Gilmour's søn Gabriel, der dengang ikke var andet end en lille baby.

"That was a song, that was a piece of music that I played originally 20 years ago, and I played it on a piano in my house with people wandering around, washing up dishes and clattering and I had a new baby, Gabriel, the one who's playing piano on another track ("In Any Tongue"), you can hear him squawking as a newborn baby on that track."

Sagde Gilmour til The Canadian Postmedia Network i 2015.
Det er cirka to minutter inde i sange, lige før Richard Wright høres tale om døden.
Og det er vel i bund og grund Wrights død der er grundlaget for denne sang.

Numre på denne plade

Five A.M. [3:05](Gilmour)


Rattle That Lock [4:56](Gilmour; Gilmour Samson)

Whatever it takes to break
Gotta do it
From the burning lake or the eastern gate
You'll get through it

Rattle that lock, lose those chains
Rattle that lock, lose those chains
Rattle that lock, lose those chains
Rattle that lock...

Let's go do it
Have it all our way
Go back to where we blew it
And lose our heads along the way

So long sin, au revoir chaos
If there's a heaven, it can wait
So long sin, au revoir chaos
If there's a heaven...

Rattle that lock
Rattle that lock, lose those chains
Rattle that lock
Rattle that lock, lose those chains

And all the other travellers
Become phantoms to our eyes
Furies and the revellers
Fallen angels in disguise

No discord, chance or rumour
Is going to interrupt this place
No discord, chance or rumour
To interrupt this...

So let's get to it
It's calling like a flame
Through the darkness and the night
The world suspended on a golden chain

Rattle that lock
Rattle that lock, lose those chains

Rattle that lock
Rattle that lock
Rattle that lock, lose those chains

Faces of Stone [5:32]

Faces of stone that watched from the dark
As the wind swirled around and you took my arm in the park
Images framed, hung high in the trees
And you talked of your youth but the years had turned dry as the leaves

Your lover was gone, his replacement to hand
And just what the difference was, you could not understand
In darkening grey we walked back through the streets
Then you talked all night long of your childhood home by the sea

And I, my disguise a mask chosen by you
Believed every word I heard
At least I think that's what I tried to do

We sat on the roof - the night overflowed
No more was said but I learned all I needed to know
Your Hollywood smile shone a light on the past
But it was the future that you held so tight to your heart

A Boat Lies Waiting [4:35]

"It's like going into open sea: There's nothing"

Something I never knew
In silence I'd hear you
And a boat lies waiting
Still your clouds all flaming
That old time easy feeling

What I lost was an ocean
Now I'm drifting through without you
In this sad barcarolle

What I lost was an ocean
And I'm rolling right behind you
In this sad barcarolle

It rocks you like a cradle
It rocks you to the core
You'll sleep like a baby
As it knocks at Death's door

Dancing Right in Front of Me [6:11]

Maybe I should have shown you a clearer plainer truth
That doesn't care about summer and less about youth
Now in this silence what more is there to do
Something has broken in me and in you

In watchful dependence a satellite spins
Cautiously circling the space that I'm in
It's bouncing me signals - distorted by time
And I'm stuck here waiting for the stars to align

Dancing right in front of me, all the lives I once could see
Slipping to and slipping fro, disappearing
Who's to know where they have gone - just out of sight
Into the shadows of my night
Who started out as stars in my eyes

There's a wide horizon, go on now take a chance
Your star is shining it lights a brighter path
It's all there inside you, take one day at a time
Reeling, freewheeling, I want to watch you fly

In Any Tongue [6:47](Gilmour, Samson)

Home and done it's just begun
His heart weighs more, more than it ever did before
What has he done? God help my son
Hey, stay a while, I'll stay up
No sugar is enough to bring sweetness to his cup
I know sorrow tastes the same on any tongue

How was I to feel it
When a gun was in my hands
And I'd waited for so long
How was I to see straight
In the dust and blinding sun
Just a pair of boots on the ground

On the screen the young men die
The children cry in the rubble of their lives
What has he done? God help my son
Hey, stay a while, I'll stay up
The volume pumped right up but not enough to drown it out
I hear "Mama" sounds the same in any tongue

How am I to see you
When my faith stands in the way
And the wailing is long done
How am I to know you
With a joystick in my hand
When the call to arms has come

Beauty [4:29] (Gilmour)


The Girl in the Yellow Dress [5:26](Gilmour, Gilmour samson)

She mesmerises with a smile
Dark eyes as compelling as the bourbon
That girl in the canary yellow dress
Says yes

She flips a pack of cigarettes
He doesn't smoke but he takes one nonetheless
It helps to keep his motives true
What else is the poor boy supposed to do?

She dances like a flame
Words unheard
Eyes closed and yellow dress
Whirls and swirls

It's late the hour's growing horns
The band seems to draw her ever closer
This girl gets right down in the groove
Woos and moves
Leads him on to where they play the blues

She dances like a flame
Has no cares, yellow dress flares
Eyes closed, arms above, she shakes
Swirls and snakes

Too late in this folie a trois
He sees that her heart is pounding for
Big daddy who falls down to his knees
Begging her please
Lifts his sax, says here's my little tease

Her dancing sets the place on fire
Heaven and hell
The flames curl up his spine
As she shakes, whirls and snakes

Today [5:56] (Gilmour)

If you should wake and find me gone
Keep safe this night and dwell upon
Such murmurations, sun sunk deep
Now close your eyes and go to sleep

What a day it's been a day of shoot the breezing
What a day it's been this time of year
Just a day when the weight of the world slides away

Feel that sun on your back see the shadows falling
Sea meets shore and soothes it with a song
If this should be my last day on earth
I'll sing along

Let's forget all the skies cast over and grey
And the squalling tempests of doubt
Holding on clinging tight in the wreckage of love
But today

What a time to dream what a day of easy
What a day it's been this time of year
Just a day when the weight of the world slides away

Evening Star, a guitar in the smoke of the fire
Light of gold in the garden of old
I will take it all again, if it came my way
But today

And Then... [4:30] (Gilmour, Samson)


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